Stanford CS231n Lec 02. Image Classification
Stanford CS231n 2017 강의를 듣고 개인적으로 정리한 글입니다.
Lecture 2 : Image Classification pipeline
Image Classification
- Computer Vision Task
- Problem is …
- Semantic Gap : between image and pixels (what the computer sees)
- Computer understands the image as a big grid of numbers (800,600,3)
- Semantic Gap : between image and pixels (what the computer sees)
- Challenges (algorithm should be robust to these challenges)
- Viewpoint variation
- all pixels change when the viewpoint is changed
- Illumination
- different light condition
- Deformation
- Example : cat…
- Occlusion
- The image shows just “part” of a cat
- Background Cluttuer
- I track as Variation
- Viewpoint variation
Image Classifier
def classify_image(image):
# some magic!
return class_label
- Attempts have been made
- find edges and corners
- Data-Driven Approach
- train : memorize all training data
- O(1)
- Predict : predict the label of most similar training image
- O(N)
- But we want classifier that are fast at prediction; slow for training is OK.**
- K-Nearest Nighbors
- Distance Metric (to compare images)
- L1 distance(Manhattan distance)
- Calculate the difference of image
- Depends on choice of coordinate system
- Use when individual vector is meaningful
- L2 distance(Euclidean distance)
- Use when generic vector in some space
- L1 distance(Manhattan distance)
- kNN on images never used
Hyperparameters & Pipeline
- Problem-dependent
- try them all out and see what works best …
- Split data into train, val, and test
- underlying : the same probability distribution
- Cross-Validation
- Split data into folds
- We can know which hyperparameters are going to perform more robustly
- Useful to small datasets -> not used too frequently in deep learning
Linear Classification
- Parametric Approach : summarize knowledge of training examples & stick all that knowledge into W.
- Image -> f(x,W) -> N numbers giving class scores
- W : parameters or weights
- f(x,W) = Wx + b (# of classes = 10, input dimension = 3072)
- f(x,W) : 10x1
- W should be 10 x 3072
- x : 3072x1
- b : 10x1
gives classes’ scores
- Bias
- constant vector
- Not interact with training set
- data independent, preferences for some classes
- Interpretation of linear classifiers as template matching
- 1 class : 1 template (driven from training data)
- Hard cases for a linear classifier
- Question
- how can we tell whether this W is good or bad?
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